Acronym for Islamic…
Good morning, Netizens...
Don't you just love acronyms? Today's David Horsey cartoon takes us in a direction which, perhaps, our fearless leaders probably do not want to go, but it seems accurate. Finding the acronym for the word "Islamic" cannot be that difficult, but making it fit the existing conditions in Iran, we'll, that may be subject to public opinion.
Viewed from our side of the globe, most people look at the Mullahs with a jaundiced eye, perhaps, but to most Iran residents, the byword is "Mullahs rock, dude!"
Of course, I always ask the question: which is it? Can you imagine the head of Iran's mullahs meeting in the White House with Obama? How about a tour group of Mullahs traveling through the United States in a tour bus? Now apply the acronym of your choice to the word "Islamic".
Then we'll decide what to do when or if that ever happens. Mullahs on West Second Avenue? Sure, why not!