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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

Bipartisan government in action…

David Horsey,,Seattle Post-Intelligencer (The Spokesman-Review)
David Horsey,,Seattle Post-Intelligencer (The Spokesman-Review)

Good morning, Netizens...

David Horsey takes a long, hard look at bipartisanship this morning, and drew what I believe is a accurate sketch of what has already begun taking place in Washington. It seems that everyone on both sides of the political aisle want to wrap themselves in the robes of being bipartisan, but the proof is in the pudding. The 244 to 188 vote in favor of the economic stimulus package, strictly along Democrat party lines, certainly made Pelosi angry.

According to the New York Times, Pelosi is quoted as saying, “I didn’t come here to be partisan. I didn’t come here to be bipartisan. I came here, as did my colleagues, to be nonpartisan, to work for the American people, to do what is in their interest.”

That doesn't take the sting out of the vote, where not one Republican voted in favor of the economic stimulus plan put forth by President Barack Obama. It doesn't take the bite out of Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh's comments only days before the vote was taken. It doesn't bring any of the House or Senate Republicans into the list of those favoring the economic stimulus plan, despite Obama's attempts to reach out to them.


Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.