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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Community Comment

Could he be the One?

AP Photo/Alex Brandon (The Spokesman-Review)
AP Photo/Alex Brandon (The Spokesman-Review)

Good morning, Netizens...

Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009 – unbounded questions persist.

Is he the One?

The abiding question, that most-elusive of all questions has lingered in the corners of my mind since his powerful speech delivered at the Democratic National Convention, and even in the face of nation-wide jubilation that is sweeping the country from shore to shore, border, to border, despite the mass hysteria that is sweeping the national news media, the question remains unanswered.

I submit we as a nation are facing a time of imponderable challenges and threats never before seen in our united history as a people. Our economy, both national and international, are in the tank, and no end in sight. We are fighting wars on two fronts around the world, and threats abound in other places. We have more people unemployed or under-employed than at any time in our history. The disparity between the “haves” and the “have-nots” has steadily been increasing, with the result that more and more Americans are disenfranchised from what is supposed to be the most open democratic system of governance in the world. The call has gone forth for a leader, someone who can unite our great country, to provide us and our generations that will follow a robust economy, with equal opportunities for everyone, and the voters have spoken.

Is he the One?

Today is indeed an overwhelming and important moment in American history. An African-American, a man of mixed descent, but still an identifiable person of color today will become the forty-fourth President of the United States. The promise made by Dr. Martin Luther King decades ago that perhaps within his lifetime a black man would rise to the highest office in the United States, appears to have been posthumously fulfilled. One imagines, were Dr. King here today, he would be overwhemled with joy. However, a rift persists between persons of color and such organizations as the Militia of Montana and other racist organizations. Despite the fact it has been nearly a decade since anyone has heard much in the news from the Trochman family who reside in Noxon, they are still active, promulgating their views, including the relegation of persons of color to second or third-class citizen status. Their greatest danger to democracy and change is not so much there in Noxon, Montana, but in the minds and hearts of other racist hate-based organizations wherever they may be found. A call has gone forth from the vast majority of American voters, to end the hatred, and an African-American man today assumes the highest office in the land. One hopes that President-Elect Barack Obama can allay the fears and prejudices of hate-based organizations.

Is he the One?

I have prayed for this moment in history for most of my adult life, for I have known always that such a move could unify our entire country, to bring us together and perhaps bring us true Peace, both here and abroad. That could be historical, uniting America into a cohesive movement of like-minded citizens, based in equality and decency. Yes, that word, decency, could be the hallmark of the Obama's Presidency. He could bring us a future based upon hope, which is what this country needs, now more than ever.

Is he the One?

My thoughts and prayers as well as the thoughts and prayers of a nation once-divided are riding with President-Elect Barack Obama today, because he could be the one.


Spokesman-Review readers blog about news and issues in Spokane written by Dave Laird.