Seen and heard department…
Good morning, Netizens...
Yesterday afternoon while engrossed in
a series of mundane tasks, my own beloved wife became snarled up in a
police matter that left me laughing. A person whom I shall hereby
refer to as “the tallywhacker wagger” was standing on a public
street downtown during rush hour exposing himself and waving his
appendage at people stopped at the street light, not to mention
yelling obscenities and other diatribes at anyone willing to listen.When the light turned red, they had no choice but to observe his antics.
Being the only responsible member of my family, dear Wife called the Police Department and reported the miscreant, as it was obvious to her he was in need of professional help, if not more help than they could offer. However, who do you call when confronted with a tallywhacker wagger?
When the police called her back and asked her to come a few blocks away to identify the individual, she did so, later saying of the circumstances, “By then he had his clothes back on, but I was certain they had the right guy.”
My hunch is someone forgot to take their medication, but it made a good story nonetheless. My poor wife, who typically is unflappable, had been flapped, unfortunately.