Rest in Peace Ted Kennedy…

Good morning, Netizens...
I wondered in my heart of hearts when cartoonist David Horsey would weigh in on the demise of Ted Kennedy, as I recall reading where David Horsey had spent some time with the good Senator back in the 80's, and todays' cartoon, coupled with his online comments which exist at bear out my recollection.
This nation, if not the entire world, has stood up together and paid homage to Ted Kennedy in his demise. As David Horsey comments, when Kennedy was on his game, he was indefatigable, for he had that great ability to move people in his speeches. Unfortunately, the ghost of Chappaquiddick Island and Mary Jo Kopechne haunted Kennedy for years thereafter. Otherwise he might have ascended to the Presidency, but perhaps not.
What is true is that Kennedy did become one of the greatest Senators our nation has ever seen, and led us with distinction and honor. It remains to be seen when or if we will ever find a replacement for the man.