Wild Card for Friday May 2, 2008

Good morning, Netizens...
First a word from two of my personal heroes of old, Bill Steele and Pete Seeger:
Some say you are really old if you can remember either of these two.
Garbage (garbage, garbage, garbage) Garbage!
We're filling up the sea with garbage (garbage. . .)
What will we do when there's no place left
To put all the garbage? (garbage. . .)
Garbage, 1969
by Bill Steele (with last verse and chorus by Pete Seeger)
Just think about it. We have garbage in City Hall, garbage in the County government, and garbage on our television sets. Pretty scary, huh? Pete had it right!
Just when you thought the controversies surrounding Wheelabrator, Rabanco and the City of Spokane's Waste to Energy Plant were a thing of the past, a new web site seems to suggest that the cost figures used by Spokane Regional Solid Waste System appear suspicious. Moreover, there are allegations that the contract between the City of Spokane and Wheelabrator (Waste Management) is flawed.
If you want to read more about it, go to http://spokanewastetoenergy.com/ and follow the links, especially the illuminating history.
You might also read the Spokesman-Review article about this controversy, which is located at:
This is your wild card for Friday, May 2, 2008...