And then there was one…
Two of the three bills that Gov. Butch Otter indicated earlier today he had problems with have now been dealt with; Otter has allowed the non-compete bill, SB 1287a, to become law without his signature. You can read his transmittal letter here. The bill repeals a 2016 law that drew negative national publicity for Idaho by sharply limiting options for tech employees to quit their jobs to start up new businesses. Otter wrote that there is “no consensus within the business community, or even within the community of technology-driven businesses, for this second change within two years to Idaho Code regarding non-compete agreements between employers and key employees or key independent contractors.”
However, 100 Idaho business leaders signed a letter to Otter before this year’s legislative session calling for the 2016 law’s repeal.
The second of the three bills in question was HB 566a, the charter school administrators certification bill, which Otter vetoed. The bill, which would have allowed charter school chiefs to skip educational requirements that are allowed for other top school administrators in Idaho, has now been returned to the House Education Committee without a veto override attempt and is dead for the session.
The third bill is HB 658a, the controversial anti-trespassing bill that’s backed by certain landowner groups but opposed by Idaho sportsmen’s groups.