Candidates prep for state treasurer debate…
The three GOP candidates for Idaho state treasurer, in preparation for tonight's live debate on Idaho Public Television, draw numbers to see who will speak first in the opening and closing statements; from right, they are Julie Ellsworth, Tom Kealey, and Vicky McIntyre. At left is Idaho Public Television's Bruce Reichert, holding the hat.
The three will debate at 8:30 p.m. After the debate airs, you can watch it online here anytime. It's part of the "Idaho Debates," a collaborative effort among the Idaho Press Club, Boise State University's School of Public Service, University of Idaho's McClure Center, Idaho State University's Department of Political Science, League of Women Voters' Voter Education Fund, and Idaho Public Television. Because no Democrats are running, the winner of the GOP primary will be Idaho's next state treasurer, barring a write-in campaign.
Here's the full schedule for this year's primary election debates:
April 17, 7 pm MT/PT: Lieutenant Governor, Republican
April 19, 8:30 pm MT/PT: State Treasurer, Republican
April 22, 7 pm MT/PT: Governor, Democrat
April 23: 8 pm MT/PT: Governor, Republican
April 27, 8 pm MT/PT: Superintendent of Public Instruction, Republican
April 29, 6:30 pm MT/PT: 1st Congressional District, Republican