House Ways & Means votes unanimously to introduce bill to expand Idaho Open Meeting Law

The House Ways & Means Committee has voted unanimously to introduce legislation proposed by Rep. Tom Loertscher, R-Iona, to bring councils, boards and commissions created by executive order under the Idaho Open Meeting Law. The proposal, he said, “is a very simple one, although the reaction to it has been quite interesting.”
He said when he tells people what the bill does, their response typically is, “You mean they’re not?”
“And they are not,” Loertscher said. “Apparently they’re not required to comply with the Open Meeting Law. So that’s all this does, is puts the language in there that says that these are created by executive action, will then come under the Open Meeting Law.”
House Majority Leader Mike Moyle, R-Star, moved to introduce the bill, and the motion passed unanimously.