New bill would allow ‘personal delivery robots’ to roll down Idaho sidewalks
Before the start of the continuation of the tribal gaming hearing this morning, the House State Affairs Committee had one other item on its agenda: Introduction of a bill from Starship Technologies Inc. to set up a regulatory framework to allow the company’s new delivery robots to roll down Idaho sidewalks.
“As you know, there has been a dramatic increase in what people want delivered and how often,” lobbyist Teresa Molitor told the committee. “E-commerce is growing about 10 percent a year, and the delivery industry cannot keep up with the demand. Founded by the inventors of Skype, Starship Technologies has developed personal delivery robots.”
Molitor said the delivery robots already are operating in cities in Europe, in Washington, D.C., and in Redwood City, Calif. “The Starship robot yields to pedestrians, travels at the speed of pedestrians, and is constantly monitored by the operator,” she said. “It can only be unlocked by the end user.”
Her bill would add the delivery robots to exceptions that now allow motorized wheelchairs and Segways to travel on Idaho sidewalks. According to the company’s website, the robot can carry two bags of groceries. Molitor said when the bill comes up for a committee hearing, Starship plans to send a robot and operator to Idaho to demonstrate it. After several questions, the committee voted unanimously to introduce the bill, clearing the way for a hearing.