Chief Allan: ‘I give you my word that everything we do is legal under the Constitution’
Chief Allan, chairman of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, said he personally traveled the state talking with Idahoans when the tribal gaming initiative was on the ballot in 2002. “They said, ‘We support you, we support gaming by the tribes of Idaho as long as the gaming is confined to the reservation.’” Allan said, “We need to work together.”
He said, “The question was asked: Will we negotiate? I’ll sit down government-to-government, I’ll sit down with the state, I’ll sit down with the governor. But I will never sit down with a business and negotiate what is our right.” Asked by Rep. Brent Crane if the tribe would sit down with Doug Okuniewicz of Coeur d’Alene Racing to negotiate, Allan said, “Mr. Okuniewicz is not an elected official. ... I think the compact spells out how we negotiate.”
When Crane pressed Allan as to what recourse Okuniewicz has for his concerns, Allan said he’d offer the same recourse the Legislature gave his people 20 years ago: “Take it to the people.” That’s what Idaho’s tribes did when they sponsored the 2002 initiative.
Allan said, "I give you my word that everything we do is legal under the Constitution."