Crapo, Sturgill to appear together on Friday’s ‘Idaho Reports’ on Idaho Public TV
Idaho GOP Sen. Mike Crapo and his Democratic challenger, Jerry Sturgill, will appear together on “Idaho Reports” on Idaho Public Television this Friday night, for a half-hour discussion moderated by Idaho Reports Co-Host Melissa Davlin.
Crapo, Idaho's senior senator, is seeking a fourth six-year term in the Senate. Sturgill, a Boise businessman, is making his first run for office.
The show airs at 8 p.m. Friday on Idaho Public Television; after it airs, you can watch it here online any time. It also re-airs Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Mountain time, 9:30 Pacific. Plus, after it airs, BSU professor emeritus Jim Weatherby and I will join Davlin for a post-show analysis, which will be posted online as a “Web Extra” to the program.