Yates: Idaho GOP welcomes Trump as nominee, will ‘fully support’ him
Idaho Republican Party Chairman Steve Yates issued this statement today on Donald Trump, to “welcome him as our presumptive nominee” for president:
"Donald Trump is, for all intents and purposes, the presumptive Republican nominee. The Idaho Republican Party would like to congratulate Mr. Trump on this pivotal moment, and welcome him as our presumptive nominee. We would also like to thank all the other campaigns for a well fought race, especially Sen. Cruz who came to Idaho, campaigned vigorously, and with record voter turnout in our presidential primary, won Idaho. We fully support Mr. Trump as our nominee and now is the time for Republicans to unite and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton. America cannot survive another four years like the last eight, and a strong, unified party behind our nominee is critical to ensuring that Republicans win the White House and all other down ticket races.”