House concurs in Senate amendments to urban renewal bill
HB 606a, the urban renewal bill, has come up in the House for consideration of concurrence in the Senate amendments. Rep. Rick Youngblood, R-Nampa, explained that the Senate first added amendments to the much-amended House-passed. “After considerable discussion with the cities, the cities decided that those amendments they didn’t concur,” Youngblood told the House, “so the Senate amended their amendents. So we now have our bill back to us as we originally approved it, which is a good thing. … I would ask our House to please concur with the Senate amendments to HB 606 as amended.”
Rep. Mat Erpelding, D-Boise, said he was against the bill before, and is against it now. The House voted 57-10 in favor of concurring, which clears the way to consider the amended bill.