No challenge to GOP delegates on floor of convention
After Trent Clark presented the report of the credentials committee, there was a motion to approve the committee’s report – seating all 489 delegates to the state GOP convention, who hail from 43 of the 44 counties and 34 of the 35 legislative districts. There had been formal challenges to three counties’ delegations, but they were rejected in committee. Once the motion had been made and seconded, state GOP Chairman Steve Yates asked twice, “Is there any discussion? Is there any discussion?” No one responded. “Hearing none, we will proceed to a vote,” he said. There was a loud voice vote of “aye” in favor, and not a single audible nay vote. “We have unanimously adopted the credentials committee report,” Yates said. “I congratulate you, Idaho Republican Party, for seating our delegates.”
That’s more business, already, than the last GOP state convention was able to accomplish two years ago.