Criminal justice reform conference set for June 6 in Boise at Concordia Law School; Labrador, Justice officials among speakers
An all-day conference on criminal justice reform has been set for June 6 at Concordia University School of Law in Boise, featuring Congressman Raul Labrador, Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy leader Jonathan Wroblewski, and an array of legal scholars, prosecutors, judges and criminal defense attorneys. The conference will “promote dialogue among policy-makers and practitioners to improve the criminal justice system,” said Cathy Silak, dean of the law school.
The conference is being hosted by the Concordia law school, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Idaho, and the Federal Defender Services of Idaho. It’s open to all members of the legal and law enforcement communities. Among the speakers will be U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill, U.S. Attorney for Idaho Wendy Olson; S. Richard Rubin, executive director of the Federal Defender Services of Idaho; and law professors from Concordia, UC Davis, University of Michigan and Boston College Law School.
“Those who have devoted their professional careers to the criminal justice system well know that we cannot just prosecute, convict and incarcerate our way to safer, healthier communities,” Olson said. “At the federal level, Bureau of Prison costs have skyrocketed since 1980. We must be smart about who we incarcerate and for how long. We must work with all of our community partners to help offenders who have paid their debt to society re-enter our communities to become successful and productive residents. This conference will help Idaho criminal justice system participants identify challenges and explore how best to meet all of these goals.”
Registration is $30 including lunch; there’s more info online here.