Testimony: ‘Socialist,’ ‘Payments are owed to these families,’ ‘Globalist scam’
In continuing testimony today on HB 1, the child support enforcement bill:
Patricia Felts told lawmakers, “This law would be socialistic. … I feel that our best bet is to stick to our own state where we have control and we know exactly what’s going on.”
Bill Foxcroft of the Idaho Head Start Association said, “About 50 percent of our families are in single-parent households and depend on child support payments to meet their expenses. … We believe in personal responsibility. These payments are owed to these families. Without them, they are much more likely to depend on the public assistance system and much less likely to move out of it.”
Duncan Farris said, “We’re coercively here and that ought to speak volumes to the demonic agenda behind the resolution itself.” He decried “House Resolution 4980” and said, “I think our duty is simple, we need to render it null and void, as Marbury vs. Madison said, all laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. … Please don’t follow this globalist scam.”
Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, asked, “Mr. Farris, what parts of the Constitution are you thinking that by passing this law we’re going to be in violation of?”
Farris responded, “It’s obvious under Article 6 of the Constitution that in order for any legislation coming out of Congress or in a treaty to deem the constitutional law of the land, it has to be made in pursuance thereof. And HR 4980 was not made in pursuance thereof, and neither the specifics of the convention, the Hague Treaty. This is a globalist scheme … and it’s an evidence of design to reduce us to absolute despotism. … This is an easy decision to uphold your oath.”
Christine Tiddens of Catholic Charities of Idaho, urged support for the bill. “We can and we must work together to promote policy solutions that invest in Idaho families for generations to come,” she said.