Senators debate HB 310, motion would pass it…
Sen. Lori Den Hartog, R-Meridian, moved to send HB 310 to the full Senate with a recommendation that it “do pass,” and Sen. Marv Hagedorn, R-Meridian, seconded the motion. No one chose to testify for or against the bill.
Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, noted that the speaker pulled the Transportation Committee chairman out at the start of this morning’s meeting, and asked Rep. Jason Monks if HB 310 is “part of a package” that the House wants on Transportation. Monks responded, “I don’t know – way above my pay grade on that one, I’m sorry.” Brackett commented, “When the speaker pulled me out, I took the opportunity to walk him through the particulars of HB 312.”
Winder said, “My final question would be: If we send this bill back to the House, does it help with those that want some general revenue funds be more supportive of what we sent over in 312 as amended?” Brackett said, “Before we respond to that,” he needed to clarify: HB 310 already has passed the House. If the Senate were to pass it, it’d go to the governor. “The House won’t have another shot at it.” That said, he asked Monks to respond to Winder’s question.
“I wish I knew, I really don’t,” Monks said. “I try to look at every bill as a stand-alone bill.” Sen. Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d’Alene, asked why the House vote in favor of 310 was so close. “I don’t know, I don’t know why people voted a certain way,” Monks said. “It’s difficult, because there are so many ideas.”