Otter signs 27 bills into law over two days, bluffs sponsors with VETO stamp at April 1 signing
In the past two days, Gov. Butch Otter has signed 27 bills into law, 14 of those, all House bills, on April Fools Day. Otter said yesterday that at one of those April 1 bill signings, he pulled out his “VETO” stamp, to the dismay of the sponsors, and acted like he was going to use it – then put it away, April Fools.
The April 1 signings included HB 220, which extends a popular tax credit for donations to Idaho schools, libraries and museums; HB 183, authorizing signs offering help to victims of human trafficking to be posted by non-profit organizations at Idaho rest stops; and the budget bill for the Idaho Department of Water Resources.
On Thursday, Otter signed 12 House bills and one Senate bill into law. They included HB 113a, the Senate-amended parental rights protection bill; HB 185, allowing resale of electricity when it’s used for charging the batteries of electric vehicles, under PUC guidance; and SB 1076, authorizing “benefit corporations,” which are for-profit corporations whose purpose is a public benefit, rather than just enrichment of their shareholders.
The full list is posted here.