Looks like superintendent race results won’t be clear ‘til morning…

This picture from the Ada County elections office at 2:15 a.m. shows bins of ballots still waiting to be counted; at this point, just 48 percent of the vote in Ada County has been counted, and it’s by far the largest county in the state, both population-wise and voting-wise. What that means: We likely won’t know until morning who’s won the race for Idaho state superintendent of schools. Currently, with 869 of 965 precincts reporting statewide, Republican Sherri Ybarra has a 10,069-vote lead over Democrat Jana Jones. But in Ada County, Jones has a 16,567-vote lead over Ybarra. If the other half of Ada County’s votes followed the same trend, it’d more than wipe out Ybarra’s lead and give Jones the win.
There are other counties with votes still out, too. Canyon County has 53 of its 64 precincts counted, and Ybarra has a 4,924-vote lead over Jones there. But those numbers are much smaller than those from Ada that look to go the other way. Kootenai County results are now complete; Ybarra led Jones there by a large margin, but those numbers are already counted in the statewide totals.
Two other counties still have a few precincts out – three in Benewah County, and three in Bonner. But all in all, it’s clear that the big numbers are in Ada, and Ada won’t be done counting for several hours yet. So it’ll be a while for this one.