BSU refusing to disclose details of stadium naming rights deal, citing ‘trade secrets’
Boise State University is refusing to disclose details of the multimillion-dollar naming rights deal in which Bronco Stadium is being renamed Albertsons Stadium – even to the State Board of Education, the Idaho Statesman reports. The $12.5 million, 15-year deal was the subject of a public records request from the Statesman, but when the university provided documents about the deal, it blacked out all dollar figures, claiming those details are “trade secrets.” The state board meets tomorrow in Idaho Falls, and the deal is on its agenda; Statesman sports writer Chadd Cripe reports that the state board staff, in its memo to the board, wrote, “The net revenue to be paid to BSU under this Agreement (in concert with the Learfield agreement) remains uncertain to staff. This issue along with additional questions about the Agreement remain to be addressed at the Board meeting. Staff reserves judgment pending resolution of these matters.” Cripe’s full report is online here.
A follow-up: Today Cripe, at @IDS_BroncoBeat, sent out this tweet: “Boise State President Bob Kustra left me a voice mail this morning. He was upset stadium docs were redacted, said info will be released”