Budget increase for community colleges only funds a few items…
Idaho’s three community colleges would get a 9.1 percent funding boost next year, under Gov. Butch Otter’s budget proposal, but much of that $2.8 million increase would go to cover increasing enrollment at the fast-growing College of Western Idaho, occupancy costs for new buildings at CWI and the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls, and transition costs for CWI's nursing program, which is moving to a full associate degree program. Other funding remains crimped. Legislative budget writers heard this morning from all three college presidents; all had additional funding requests that the governor passed over, including for a veterans center at North Idaho College and an expansion of dual-credit courses at CWI.
The governor does recommend funding for expansion of NIC’s outreach center in Sandpoint and a new Idaho Falls outreach center for CSI. Idaho's community colleges get only a portion of their funding from the state; the rest largely comes from student fees and tuition and local property taxes. You can read my full story here at spokesman.com on NIC’s budget outlook.