Senate reconsidering two votes from Friday, including bill that failed on tie
The Idaho Senate has two bills up for possible reconsideration this morning, SB 1306, which died on a 17-17 tied vote on Friday; and SB 1307, which passed unanimously on Friday. SB 1306 amends commercial drivers’ license rules; if it fails, the state stands to lose tens of millions in federal highway funds. Opposition came from those who didn’t want the feds to tell Idaho what to do. SB 1307 deals with driver’s licenses for people working in foreign countries.
With that process, plus the need to go into the amending order on several bills, it appears that the Senate won't get to SB 1284a, the bill to raise Idaho's top speed limit to 80 mph on some sections of rural interstate, today. The Senate doesn't have an afternoon session scheduled today.