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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Boise

Pushing toward March adjournment…

Both the House and Senate debated and passed batches of bills this morning, as they keep up a pace designed to ensure this year’s legislative session ends by March 21. In fact, the way they’ve been pushing this week – with the Senate starting its late-afternoon sessions yesterday and staying on the floor that day until close to 6 p.m. – it looks like they’re trying to get done sooner. “Everyone knows that you need to allow a little time toward the end because of the unexpected,” said House Speaker Scott Bedke.

Here are some of the bills that passed one house or the other today:

HB 398, to authorize the Department of Fish & Game to discount tags and permits, passed the House 61-6 and heads to the Senate side. A planned companion piece to allow fee increases and create an incentive for hunters to buy multi-year licenses to avoid the increases never got introduced, but F&G says it still can make use of the discounting authority.

SB 1335, to allow liquor distillers to give out small free tasting samples, passed the Senate 29-5 and heads to the House side. It would limit the samples to no more than a quarter of an ounce, and no one could get more than three in a 24-hour period.

SB 1275, to boost agriculture education programs, passed the Senate 34-0, and now heads to the House side.

HB 413, legislation from Rep. Ed Morse, R-Hayden, to repeal a no-longer-used section of state law dealing with stumpage districts, passed the House 66-0 and heads for the Senate side.

HB 399, from the Idaho Department of Fish & Game, would lower the minimum age to hunt big game from 12 to 10, but only if the child is accompanied in the field by a licensed adult. “This is a family choice,” said Rep. Terry Gestrin, R-Donnelly. The bill passed 51-16, and now heads to the Senate side.

Betsy Z. Russell

Betsy Z. Russell joined The Spokesman-Review in 1991. She currently is a reporter in the Boise Bureau covering Idaho state government and politics, and other news from Idaho's state capital.

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