Lawmakers offer differing views on accompishments during session…
At the close of the legislative session this year, I asked a slew of North Idaho legislators what they felt like they accomplished this year. The answers varied pretty widely. Rep. Shannon McMillan, R-Silverton, said, “I just go and do my work. I don’t know what I accomplished.” Others were in the thick of the session’s biggest debates. Some met defeat with their own proposals; others carved our small but significant victories. You can read my full Sunday story here.
Rep. Frank Henderson, R-Post Falls, who cited an economic development bill and building relationships for future work as his top accomplishments, said, “I’m just totally pleased with the quality of the new legislators. They’re very high-quality people. They brought legitimate business experience and a high level of integrity and understanding that impressed me.” Added Henderson, 90, “I didn’t have to babysit anybody.”