Party-line vote defeats $1 million transfer to higher ed stabilization fund
Rep. Wendy Jaquet, D-Ketchum, moved to transfer $1 million to the new higher education stabilization fund, and Rep. Shirley Ringo, seconded the motion. Senate Finance Chairman Dean Cameron, R-Rupert, spoke against the motion. He noted that that would mean $1 million less to the budget stabilization fund, the state's main reserve fund. "If we're going to need this money, that's where we're going to need it first," he said. "I think by everybody's measure, we have treated higher ed very well this year." Ringo noted that that came after "a very long dry spell" for higher education in Idaho; colleges and universities have seen big state budget cuts in recent years. Jaquet's motion was defeated on a 4-16 party-line vote.