House endorses multi-day food stamp distribution to end grocery-store crush
With no debate, the House has voted 55-12 in favor of HB 689, to shift the state's food stamp distribution from a single distribution to all recipients on the 1st of the month, to a staggered distribution over several days. Rep. Christy Perry, R-Nampa, the bill's sponsor, said the current system is “flooding the food stores with recipients on the first of the month,” causing difficulty not only for the food stamp recipients, but also for the stores, and for others who shop on the 1st day of the month because that's when they get their paychecks, Social Security or disability checks. “Much food goes wasted,” she said, when frustrated shoppers facing long lines abandon their carts; frozen food can't be reshelved and must be thrown out.
The bill now moves to the Senate side.