Lawmakers’ conflict-of-interest cup runneth over…
Here's a news item from the Associated Press: BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The Senate's conflict-of-interest cup runneth over. Since Democrats complained about Sen. Monty Pearce's alleged disclosure transgressions, Republicans have been disclosing en masse. Maybe it's a protest of solidarity with Pearce, like Sen. Jeff Siddoway did Monday when he asked to be recused from voting on an abortion-related bill — because he has two daughters. Maybe it's out of spite. Either way, it's slowed the gears of democracy. There was Sen. Chuck Winder, who Tuesday told lawmakers his job as a developers' representative could pose conflicts. Sen. Tim Corder said he belongs to the human race, breathes air and walks on dirt. Even House lawmakers are joining, with Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke Tuesday declaring a conflict on a highway-width bill — in his words, to head off the "witch hunt."