Attorney general, sheriffs assn unveil wallet card for abuse victims with protective orders
The Idaho Attorney General's office and the Idaho Sheriffs Association have gotten together to make available free, wallet-sized cards to Idahoans who have a long-term civil protection order, so they can quickly alert law enforcement officers to the order in case of violations. The cards will include a photograph of the person whom the order requires to stay away. "It is much easier to carry with you than the actual, multiple-page legal-size court order," said Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden. “In case of a potential violation of an order, a law enforcement officer can quickly refer to the Hope Card for more information.”
The new "Idaho Hope Card" is for people with long-term civil protection orders of 12 months or more; the orders protect victims of domestic violence by imposing criminal penalties on abusers who contact their victims in violation of the orders. There's more info here.