Idaho makes Letterman’s Top 10, for not being Iowa…
Tonight on David Letterman's "Top 10" list, he featured the "Top 10 signs it might be time to end your presidential campaign." Among them, at No. 5: "Instead of Iowa, you've been campaigning in Idaho."
On that note, the Idaho Republican Party today announced detailed plans for its first straw poll this Friday night, an event designed to bring in the faithful, raise funds for the party, and broadcast that the Idaho GOP's moved up its presidential delegate selection this year to try to be more relevant. The straw poll will be this Friday from 7-9:30 p.m. at the Riverside Hotel, and will feature various party awards presentations along with the straw poll, which will follow pitches from representatives for each candidate. "We're encouraging in-person local support that can speak on their behalf," said party executive director Jonathan Parker. Participants who pay $30 will get to vote.
Parker said he's had one complaint about the pay-to-vote rule. "We just make it very clear that first and foremost, this is a fundraiser for the Idaho Republican Party," he said. "Secondly it's a fun way for the candidates to demonstrate their support in our state and let their organization be known to drive people to the straw poll, and No. 3, it's really a great opportunity for us to get the word out that the Idaho Republican Party has adopted a presidential caucus that will take place on Super Tuesday, March 6, and the fact that Idaho has more delegates than Iowa, New Hampshire or Nevada." Idaho's 32 GOP delegates will be claimed at the March caucus; until this year, they weren't decided until the May primary election.