More bill-reading on tap in House today…
Full reading of the text of bills is likely to continue in the House today. House Speaker Lawerence Denney said he talked with Minority Leader John Rusche this morning, and, "We'll agree to disagree, I guess." He said, "I suspect that those that have any length to 'em, we'll read."
Rusche said his discussion with his counterparts in the majority was "very collegial." He said, "But their position is they don't have to, so they won't." Democrats want hearings on two bills: A $1.25 increase in Idaho's 57-cent-per-pack cigarette tax, and a measure calling for an advisory vote of the people on this year's sweeping school reforms.
Rusche noted that new bills were being introduced in committees this morning. "So it's really just a question of power - that's really all it is. We believe that the people's voice should be heard, and they're saying, 'You can't make us do that.'"