Luna: ‘Lots of misinformation’
Idaho state schools Supt. Tom Luna is addressing the Idaho Press Club today. His big point: "As far as SB 1113, I think that reports of the death of that bill have been greatly exaggerated. ... I don't agree that it's dead or on life support. I think it's in the same predicament it was in a week ago." Big changes will be made in the bill, he said, including removing the state-mandated requirements to raise class sizes and cut 770 teaching jobs in the next two years. Instead, he said, those decisions likely will be left to the local school districts. "You will see some school districts, the kinds of changes they make will be permanent, others maybe not," Luna said. "We heard loud and clear from local educators that they understand there's going to be a cut, give them the flexibility to decide at the local level how to manage that."
Asked why he thinks students around the state have been objecting to a reform plan that he dubbed "Students Come First," Luna said there's been "lots of misinformation." He said, "I think that that's what's driving a lot of this."