The latest state tax revenue figures are in, and in May, they came in $8 million below forecast; that puts the state, at a $66.1 million surplus for the fiscal year to date, down from $74.2 million a month ago. You can read the full…
Here's a news item from the Associated Press: BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Debbie Field is resigning her post as director of the state's Office of Drug Policy. Field, a former lawmaker and campaign manager for Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter, told staffers this week she was…
Idaho's redistricting commission has unanimously approved plans for 11 public hearings in June outside the Treasure Valley area, a day after the panel deadlocked over differing hearing schedules. Already the commission had held hearings in Boise and, last night, in Caldwell. Here's the rest of…
The redistricting commission has decided not to move up its meeting time today after all, and will stick with the previously announced 1 p.m. time to meet in the Capitol Auditorium and set a public hearing schedule.
The citizen redistricting commission reportedly has reached an agreement on a public hearing schedule, so it's pushed up its business meeting that had been scheduled for 1 p.m. today to 11:30 a.m. to approve that. It'll be in the Capitol Auditorium, and it'll be streamed…
Tax-protesting Idaho state Rep. Phil Hart is taking his fight against paying his back state income taxes to the Idaho Supreme Court, despite already having lost four appeals. Hart lost his fourth round in March, when 1st District Judge John Mitchell rejected Hart's request that…