University funding and reserves…
Here's a link to our full story at on today's budget discussions about the University of Idaho, and talk among lawmakers about use of reserves at the state's colleges and universities. "Frankly, your money looks better to me than mine does at this point," JFAC Co-Chair Maxine Bell, R-Jerome, told UI President Duane Nellis, referring to reserves. Only $3.8 million of the University of Idaho unrestricted assets are "true reserves" and not already obligated in a contract or designated for a specific project, Nellis said. The money represents about 1 percent of the university's total operating expenses, well below the 5 percent goal the state Board of Education has set for Idaho universities and colleges. Commented JFAC Co-Chair Dean Cameron, R-Rupert, "Frankly, the state's operating on less than 1 percent reserve."