Concerns about revenue, impact

Rep. Nicole LeFavour, D-Boise, said, "I really would want to caution us against setting a number that's a lil too dire, because those really are substantial to the lives of a lot of people, when we start setting the Medicaid budget. I'm concerned that the 3 percent (for 2012) is really just unrealistically too low." Rep. Ken Roberts, R-Donnelly, said, "I think I will probably support the motion, but I think it would be prudent on this committee's behalf that we ... reserve the right to maybe address this issue as we see final numbers for January, probably around the 10th of February ... just to have one (more) month's worth of data." The panel's co-chairman. Sen. John Goedde, R-Coeur d'Alene, called that a good idea. "We don't know what's going to hap in the month of January, and it's a huge tax collection month," he said. The revenue committee then went at ease, at the request of Sen. Bob Geddes. Members are now conferring, some gathered in clumps, others remaining in their seats.