Toryanski on performance pay bill: ‘In this case, the process was there’

Sen. Monty Pearce, R-New Plymouth, shared some statistics showing kids falling short in test scores. "I think we need to do something, and I think pay for performance will begin to give us that chance to cause our students' scores to go up," he said. Sen. Mitch Toryanski, R-Boise, said of the pay-for-performance bill, "The basic idea of it was agreed to. ... In this case, the process was there. And what does this bill do? It rewards growth, and I think that's what we want." Toryanski quoted Frank VanderSloot, who told the committee earlier that if you reward something, you're going to get more of it. He said he'll have more to say later about process on the other bills.
Sen. Nicole LeFavour, D-Boise, said, "We're paying for this by laying off teachers."