Whoops - one of school reform bills introduced yesterday was wrong one…
Sen. John Goedde, R-Coeur d'Alene, is scheduled to introduce a new bill as part of the "Students Come First" school reform plan tomorrow morning in the Senate State Affairs Committee; asked why, he said it's because one of the bills introduced yesterday in the Senate Education Committee was the wrong one. Two of the bills introduced yesterday had the pay-for-performance plan in them, one as a stand-alone, and the other combined with the plan's other reforms. Instead of the combo bill, Goedde said, the committee should have introduced the reforms bill that doesn't include the pay-for-performance plan, rather than duplicate it in two bills. "It's the one that should've been introduced yesterday," Goedde said.
Goedde said of today's two and a half hour meeting, "I think the committee's asking good questions, and I'm sure we will have good debate when it comes to that." That likely won't be tomorrow, he said, but, "It could be Thursday."