Steele trial revs up in federal court
There's pretty wild stuff coming out in federal court in Boise today at the Edgar Steele murder-for-hire trial; you can read about it at S-R reporter Meghann Cuniff's "Sirens and Gavels" blog here. In federal prosecutor Marc Haws' opening argument, he told the jury it'll hear tapes of Steele discussing the plot to kill his wife, Cyndi, with hit man-turned-FBI-informant Larry Fairfax. Asked by Fairfax if he has any second thoughts, “Mr. Steele says, 'Have you seen a second thought in me yet?'” Haws told the court. Also on the tape, he said Steele says, "I want this over with. There ain't no second thoughts.”
Steele's wife is supporting his innocence claim; the two say it's all a government set-up. A pipe bomb was found attached to the bottom of Mrs. Steele's car when she took it in for an oil change in Coeur d'Alene. The defense is now giving its opening arguments; today is the Steeles' 26th wedding anniversary.