Labrador: Video mashup was ‘just the icing on the cake’

1st District GOP congressional nominee Raul Labrador, asked by Eye on Boise about the impact of the video mash-up of speeches by opponent Vaughn Ward and Barack Obama that circulated widely online for the last few days before the election and was featured on the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" on election night, said, "I think it was just the icing on the cake, I don't think that it made the difference." Labrador noted that the earliest results that came in, which consisted of absentee votes from Ada and Canyon counties that could have been cast weeks ago, showed him ahead.
Asked how he'll campaign now, Labrador said, "I'm going to do the same thing I've always done, I'm going to tell people what my message is." He did say, though, that he'll need to raise a lot more money. "I think I've been able to show them that I can win with little money, so I think people are going to be excited to donate."