Guv’s budget would give only CWI money for enrollment growth
Gov. Butch Otter is calling for a $1.05 million supplemental appropriation for enrollment growth at the College of Western Idaho, "and yet other higher ed facilities, we're not addressing enrollment growth," JFAC Co-Chair Dean Cameron, R-Rupert, just pointed out to the governor's budget director, Wayne Hammon. "Help me understand your methodology there." Hammond responded, "The governor supported the supplemental for CWI because of the tremendous growth there, nobody expected. Quite honestly, a million dollars is not enough ... It's just getting started and it's doubled and tripled, the growth that they've had. ... Now, all the institutions have some growth, some of them significant growth. We wish we could fund them all, but we can't, so it just comes to a matter of we did what we could."