Judge issues restraining order blocking huge shipments over U.S. Highway 12
2nd District Judge John Bradbury has issued a temporary restraining order blocking the Idaho Transportation Department from issuing permits to ConocoPhillips to haul four giant loads of oil refinery equipment over U.S. Highway 12 through the Clearwater/Lochsa river canyon. The judge set a hearing on the plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction for this Friday at 9 a.m. in Grangeville. He found that the plaintiffs showed prima facie evidence "that they may suffer great damange that would not be recoverable from ConocoPhillips if the transportation of the equipment is permitted by the Department, and that by issuing permits for the transportation of the equipment the Department may be violating its own regulations."
However, he also ordered the plaintiffs - three river canyon residents who are represented pro-bono by Advocates for the West - to post a $3,000 bond to "cover potential costs to the Department in the event this order has been improvidently issued."