Thoughts from a substitute senator…
Temporary Sen. Darrell Kerby, R-Bonners Ferry, who filled in for the final weeks of the session for Sen. Shawn Keough, R-Sandpoint, while she was with her husband during his major heart surgery, reflected on his brief legislative experience. "It was an extreme honor for me to be asked to be here, but it wasn't fun to participate in the dismantling of the programs that this state has taken years to build to assist the citizens and protect our friends and neighbors," said Kerby, who participated in the joint budget committee's deliberations as it set sharply reduced budgets for state agencies including schools.
"It was not a happy session, it was not something fun to do," Kerby said. "It was about trying to do as little damage as possible, as opposed to being creative and looking for ways to help the state go forward." He added, "That said, I wouldn't have turned down the opportunity. It was an honor to sit in that seat, especially Sen. Keough's seat. She is so respected down here."