Idaho delegation commemorates 9/11
Both of Idaho's U.S. senators and the congressman representing North Idaho have issued statements today on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, honoring the sacrifices of those who protect Americans and remembering the attacks and how they affected the nation. Click below to read their full statements.
Sen. Mike Crapo: “We should not, and will not, ever forget what happened to our nation on this anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Thank our military, our law enforcement and our firefighter and paramedic communities. Most importantly, please join me in remembering and honoring those who sacrificed all that day eight years ago in an effort to save lives. And, let us also remember on this day the people who have kept us and our nation safe these past eight years from further attacks. All of these brave American heroes deserve our thanks—today and every day.”
Sen. Jim Risch: “Eight years ago today the United States was attacked by terrorists who caused the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children, along with hundreds of first responders. It is important to all Americans we remember that day and honor the memory of those who died. We must also honor those who work each day to keep our country safe. Many are putting their lives at risk to prevent another attack on our soil. To all of them we give our thanks for their service.”
Congressman Walt Minnick: “In the eight years since the tragic attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, our nation has gone through a series of transformations from a people outraged to a people now wizened by war, by tough times, by abuses of our own government. We are still outraged by terrorists who would do us harm and who prevent the spread of liberty around the world, but the events of September 11, 2001, have also left all of us more mindful of our need to fiercely protect our republic and the democratic foundation upon which it rests. We must eliminate the havens for terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan, yet avoid the temptation to fight terror with torture. We must be rigorous in protecting our civil liberties, including the right to speak freely and to question authority. We must honor the sacrifices of so many over the last eight years by renewing our commitment to the men and women who serve and who served this nation in uniform. And we must do all we can to show the rest of the world that we are resolute, proud and unafraid to spread a message of hope, strength and certainty of our cause.”