Nonini: ‘Not going to put up with that’

House Education Chairman Bob Nonini, R-Coeur d'Alene, said he had no intention of showing up for today's Senate Education Committee hearing on his bill, HB 373. "The chairman knew last Wednesday night I wasn't coming," Nonini told Eye on Boise. "The issues have all been discussed. ... There was no reason for me to be there." When told that committee members had questions for him, Nonini said, "Just to be critical and be smart-alecks - I'm not going to go over there and put up with that. I'm not going to put up with that crap." With the bill dead, he said, "So I guess the school districts aren't going to get any relief from the maintenance match or use-it-or-lose it." Those measures, however, are in another bill still pending in the Senate, HB 303a. Asked Nonini, "Where is it? It's been over there for three weeks."