Transportation vote set for Thursday
Both parties in the House left the floor and went into caucus this morning, for a discussion of the governor's latest transportation proposals. The Republicans, who met behind closed doors, emerged saying there's no telling what the outcome will be. "It'll be Thursday," said House Majority Caucus Chairman Ken Roberts, R-Donnelly, who said he and House Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke, R-Oakley, will carry the governor's two bills on the House floor. "His plan needs to be fairly presented on the floor," Roberts said. "This is a tough vote. ... There will be people on both sides of the issue in every district of the state." He added, "I don't think there's a person residing in the state of Idaho that doesn't understand that these economic times are tough for the people."
In the open House Democratic caucus, some of those economic concerns are hitting close to home. House Assistant Minority Leader James Ruchti, D-Pocatello, said his brother's been laid off, as has another representative's husband. "Is this a good time to raise taxes on Idaho families? I think the answer is no," he said.