Here’s a news item that’s just moved on the AP wire:WASHINGTON (AP) – The Senate Ethics Committee says Idaho Sen. Larry Craig acted improperly in a men's room sex sting. In a letter Wednesday, the ethics panel says Craig's attempt to withdraw his guilty plea…
Three bills were approved, one will be amended, and five were killed in the Senate Resources Committee this afternoon, as the panel struggled to find middle ground on a split in North Idaho over a proposed basin-wide water rights adjudication. In the end, the solution…
Today, the House will reconvene after lunch to continue its floor session from this morning, in which the chamber considered and voted on nearly a dozen bills. That means all early-afternoon committee meetings, which otherwise would be at 1:30, are held on adjournment of the…
The Senate has voted 26-8 to pass HB 359, the bill to increase Idaho’s aircraft engine fuel tax by 1.5 cents per gallon. Sen. John McGee, R-Caldwell, the Senate transportation chairman, said pilots have been contacting him about the bill, and they “tell me that…
Gov. Butch Otter has issued a statement calling for full funding of his proposal to put $50 million into a need-based scholarship fund, saying, "Our economy is growing more slowly than it was a year ago. But wise and frugal management and planning by our…
Faced with a request for $350,000 in one-time funding to kick off a “health data exchange,” a program highlighted by Gov. Butch Otter in his State of the State address this year to bring together hospitals and other health care providers around the state to…