Closing arguments this morning

With heartfelt testimony from the father of murdered Dylan Groene, prosecutors wrapped up their case Tuesday in the federal death penalty sentencing trial for admitted killer Joseph Duncan, and U.S. District Judge Edward Lodge set closing arguments for 9 a.m. today, Boise time, after which the case will go to the jury to decide whether Duncan should die for his crimes against the 9-year-old Coeur d'Alene boy. Asked what he learned from his youngest son, Steve Groene said it was a lesson he unfortunately didn't learn until after Dylan died: "Every minute with your children – you can't take any of that time for granted, because you can wake up the next day, they may not be there." Here’s a link to my full story in today’s Spokesman-Review.
As prosecutors presented information about the three past child murders in court on Monday and Tuesday, there was no graphic evidence provided about torture or abuse, beyond the fatal blows to the head. No shocking photos or videos were shown to the jurors. But at that point, they weren’t necessary. A King County medical examiner’s mention that gray duct tape was found with the remains of the two girls in Washington, and Duncan’s statement to FBI agents that he “did my thing” with his young victim in southern California when he kept him alive for a day in the desert were more than enough information, for everyone in the courtroom, to make the picture clear.