Talking about the Craig case
Tonight, I’ll be appearing on Idaho Public TV’s “Dialogue” program, along with Associated Press reporter John Miller, political scientist Jim Weatherby, University of Idaho journalism prof Kenton Bird and host Joan Cartan-Hansen, to discuss the political implications of the Larry Craig case, including the senior senator’s arrest and guilty plea in a sex-solicitation sting, his resignation announcement, and the political ripples the case has sent throughout Idaho’s political establishment and the state and nation. We’ll be taking your calls live. The show airs at 8:30 p.m. Mountain time, 7:30 Pacific time, and viewers can call in toll-free with their questions at (800) 973-9800. The program will repeat, without live questions, on Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Mountain time, 4:30 Pacific time. In addition to TV, the program will be broadcast online at