No December legislative hearings
The Legislative Council discussed ways to keep the next legislative session short, since it’ll be held in cramped quarters in the old Ada County Courthouse while the state capitol is renovated, but didn’t go for the idea of starting some legislative hearings in December. “I’m not in favor of giving up two weeks in December to save two weeks in March,” declared Senate Assistant Majority Leader Joe Stegner, R-Lewiston. Senate President Pro-Tem Bob Geddes, R-Soda Springs, responded, “I’m not going to support the notion that we have meetings before we start the session. We’re interfering with people’s holidays … (and) people who have full-time employment and have to juggle that.” However, he said, lawmakers can get all their agency rulemaking material prepared and available for review during December, and take other steps to make things run smoothly, including a public open house in October to acquaint citizens, lobbyists, the press and others with the new legislative digs.