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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Boise

Water war headed off for now

Idaho Water Resources Director David Tuthill has accepted mitigation plans submitted by the Idaho Ground Water Appropriators and the Idaho Dairymen’s Association, and rescinded the threatened curtailment of junior water rights in the Thousand Springs area for 2007. He also set a hearing on the issue for Oct. 10th. Last Friday, the IGWA doubled the amount of recharge water it was willing to offer senior water-rights holders to head off the curtailment, and on Tuesday, almost 100 members of the dairymen’s association signed onto a mitigation plan adding another 9,500 acre-feet of recharge water. Between the two, Tuthill ruled today that the plans were acceptable. To read the full press release from the Idaho Department of Water Resources, click here.

Eye On Boise

News, happenings and more from the Idaho Legislature and the state capital.